

Ex Deo
Year Of The Four Emperors

Grave Digger
Bone Collector


Ereb Altor

Ereb Altor
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878 Berichte
11 Konzerte/Festivals
14.02.2006: ..some Mötley Moments... (Mötley Crüe)
Bandboss Nikki Sixx hat letztens folgende "Anekdoten" in sein Tourtagebuch eingetragen:

"Well, we're three shows into the tour and so far we've only had a few 'MÖTLEY moments.'

"I blew a front tire on my bus on the highway. As soon as it blew and bus started to swerve, I instantly thought of the METALLICA incident. Vince Neil, vocals got hit in the face by some asshole with a cup of piss. Last I saw of the guy he was handcuffed, face bloodied, screaming 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry'…. What an idiot.

"We're only three shows in. So far, so good.

"Ah, life on the road…"

In other news, Launch Radio Networks is reporting that MÖTLEY CRÜE plan to start recording a new studio album on May 1, and the group doesn't want to go in empty-handed. Sixx told Launch that the quartet is working on new songs while on their Carnival Of Sins 2006 tour, using facilities such as a portable studio belonging to drummer Tommy Lee. "Tommy's got a studio in his bus," Sixx said. "We're gonna use Tommy's studio on the bus to document stuff as well as, we have a room backstage with equipment set up that we jam and work on riffs and ideas, and we can record it right there as well."

This will be the first new studio album by the band's original lineup since 1997's "Generation Swine". Lee was not in the band for 2000's "New Tattoo".

MÖTLEY CRÜE perform tomorrow (Tuesday, February 14) in Wilkes-Barre,
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